Our intention is to post upcoming events, trainings, new locations implementing IE through IC&TA, News from the International Center for the Enhancement of Learning Potential (ICELP) and to engage in a regular dialogue in regard to program content and its place in the greater learning community. Comments and testimonials are welcome and encouraged.

IC & TA, International Consulting & Trade Associates, Inc. is affiliated with International Center for the Enhancement of Learning Potential (ICELP), Jerusalem, Israel. IC&TA is a designated Authorized Training Center (ATC) licensed by ICELP.

The primary mission of IC&TA is the training and implementation of (FIE) Instrumental Enrichment, a cognitive education program, for professionals in a variety of educational, human service, and corporate settings. Our aim is to prepare individuals to be fully conversant with the theory, application, relevant research and appropriate assessment techniques for full implementation with a variety of student populations of a wide age range. IC&TA offers on-site workshops for comprehensive training in all aspects of Instrumental Enrichment. All of our services can be found with detailed explanations on our website, www.ictaweb.org

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Kenneth Pransky, an educator who has been fully trained in Instrumental Enrichment Standard at all levels, has implemented the program with students in a school in central Massachusetts; he has dealt there with particular second-language issues with recently immigrated children. He is the author of a book, BENEATH THE SURFACE: THE HIDDEN REALITIES OF TEACHING CULTURALLY AND LINGUISTICALLY DIVERSE YOUNG LEARNERS, K-6, published by Heinemann and now available on Amazon. He is currently a staff member at the Hampshire Education Collaborative in Northampton, Massachusetts.

Attached are two scholarly reports that he has authored and co-authored, both of which deal with different aspects of memory and mediated learning. These two papers would be of particular interest to those involved with educational research processes. Ken is eager to get feedback on either paper. Readers who would like to offer comments may communicate with Ken

Read Ken's Papers by clicking on links below:

"Exploring Memory Organization in School Performance:
A Cognitive Perspective on Home-School Mismatch"

"Investigating the Classroom Discourse of
Mediation in Action

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